Kronos is known as one of the Titans in Greek mythology, often associated with time or with the scythe he wields. Kronos captures the essence of durability and precision embodied in our safety razors.

Hello, I'm Rory

You might wonder why I spend so much time adding citations and references to this website.

It all started out of frustration with the status quo of shaving. Like many, I bought into the cycle of buying a cheap razor handle, only to find myself unconsciously spending on replacement blades.

My first experience with a safety razor was eye-opening. It gave such a smooth shave, and I couldn’t help but wonder why more people didn’t use them. I quickly learned the answer: many safety razors are poorly designed. The one I bought didn’t shield the corner of the blade, leading to frequent nicks, and the wooden stand started to mould after just a week.

The problem wasn’t with safety razors themselves - it was the design.

So, I founded Kronos with a simple goal: to make safety razors more accessible and to be as transparent as possible in the process. That’s why I cite my sources. You deserve to be informed, and I want you to feel empowered when making your decisions.

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