A Back of the Envelope Calculation: How Lucrative is the Razor & Blade Revenue Model?

The razor and blade business model generates recurring revenue by selling inexpensive handles and high-margin replacement blades. (1)

Finding how often people change razor blades

Both Dollar shave club (2) and Gillette (3) recommend changing razor blades every 1-2 weeks. Lets go with 10 days as the average.


Calculating the average cost of a razor blade

Taking pricing information from Boots for disposable cartridge razor blades (4), the average cost of each blade is £2.89.


Changing a blade every 10 days means you spend on average £104.04 per year on replacements.


Calculating the average cost of razor handles

Using Boots as a reference, the average cost of a razor handle that fits proprietary cartridges is £10.74 (4).


How lucrative is the razor & Blade revenue model?

£104.04 (average spend on blades per year) / £10.74 (average cost of razor handle)

= 9.7

Buying a multi-blade razor means you will spend 9.7x on replacement blades per year than the amount you spent on the handle.




1) Dhebar, A. (2016). Razor-and-Blades pricing revisited. Business Horizons.

2) Dollar Shave Club (2024). How often should you change your razor blades?

3) Gillette (2024). How often should I change razor blades?

4) Boots (2024). Razors and Razor Blades